Progress on the Peregrine HTTP server
As a way for me to dive deeper into Zig, I'm writing a HTTP server from scratch. This article describes some of the work I've done recently, and a few lessons that I've learned.
I'm fascinated by nature's self-similarity. I see an elegant beauty and power in self-reference. I'm a software engineer.
As a way for me to dive deeper into Zig, I'm writing a HTTP server from scratch. This article describes some of the work I've done recently, and a few lessons that I've learned.
I draw parallels between engineering and social systems, suggesting that some fundamnetal engineering principles and concepts of game theory may be applied to improve the fairness and productivity of human cooperation at scale.
As a way for me to dive deeper into Zig, I'm writing a HTTP server from scratch.
I left a lucrative Software Engineering role in Switzerland, and went travelling. I'm now open to opportunities...
I describe what I like about the Zig systems programming language, and what I don't like after a couple of weeks of tinkering.
Turn radius is proportional to the velocity squared.
Precomputed de Bruijn sequences are cool, but are they faster than simple lookup tables?
Distributed KV store.
Real-time logging (tail & query) over UDP, with ring buffers.